Kaya holistic
Uniting diversity, people and wellness

Workshop: Back without pain, life without restrictions
A collective of explorers of different practices that help us achieve the best state of mind.
Located on Calea Dudești 101, Kaya Holistic is a center that hosts group classes, alternative therapies, and various practices designed to bring wellness close to you!
From Martial Arts to guided meditation, from the fully equipped gym to craniosacral therapy, and from yoga to nutrition, Kaya Holistic brings together over 30 different practices in one place.
We are curious and interested in holistic approaches and believe that true balance can be achieved by embracing multiple practices and diverse approaches.
We encourage you to take part in this expedition of self-discovery and self-nourishment.
Welcome to the space where balance isn't just a concept, it's a way of living — a space where we discover harmony together.

- Work with a personal trainer to maximize your results, receiving constant guidance and technical corrections.
- Corrects and optimizes body posture to prevent health problems.
- Explores the art of hand-to-hand combat, emphasizing physical strength, agility and strategic techniques.
- Yumeiho therapy is a Japanese therapy based on manual actions that are performed on the entire human body and aim to preserve or improve health.
- A mix of martial arts, dance and acrobatics that develop strength, flexibility and coordination at any age.
- Learn effective techniques to protect your physical integrity in unforeseen or dangerous situations.
- Find balance between body and mind through controlled postures and breathing, promoting relaxation and flexibility.
- It combines grace and physical strength in an artistic form of classical dance.
- Discover the state of your health by analyzing the iris of your eyes.
- By practicing age-appropriate yoga, children can improve flexibility, balance and focus while learning beneficial breathing techniques.
- Burns calories efficiently, improves breathing capacity and supports heart health
- Build muscle mass and improve your endurance using weights such as dumbbells and barbells
List of activities
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Based on 29 reviews Sala pentru bjj arata impecabil, au si o cafenea si o sala de fitness la etaj. Personalul este super amabil, iar instructorul TEO este MINUNAT! Se poarta foarte frumos cu copiii, iar parintii au acces oricand sa ii urmareasca. alina matei4 October 2024 Ador Kaya! Merg din primele saptamani de cand s-a deschis si ma simt mereu foarte bine, spatiul este frumos gandit si amenajat, totul e nou si foarte curat, este si o cafenea draguta si toti oamenii care se invart in spatiul asta sunt frumosi si calzi, de la antrenori, barista, parintii cu copii, pana la doamnele care tin spatiul curat si luminos. Personal merg la orele de kickboxing si pentru mine au fost salvarea in a-mi gasi dragul de miscare si aprecierea fata de ce poate sa faca corpul meu si le multumesc antrenoarelor si fetelor colege de ora pentru ce s-a creat in ultimele 7 luni. Roze Chira28 September 2024 Atmosfera, locul si oameni faini! Doina Bitirescu24 September 2024 Amazing place with amazing people! Виталий Коваль12 September 2024 Excellent place to be for the entire family. Jurca Mihnea5 September 2024 Favorite Holistic Place in Bucharest ❤️ Ana Zlatescu4 September 2024 O energie minunata. Personalul de la receptie foarte amabil. Curarenie exemplara. Recomand clasa de Feminine dance cu Anastasiia si Yoga cu Violeta care mi-au placut foarte mult. Alina Cutinov29 August 2024 Really like the vibe of this place there are many activities in their schedule and I especially like that I can work in the cafe while my daughter takes a class. The smoothies and acai bowl is so good! My wife loves this place as well can't believe we live so close to it. I want to try family jiu jitsu with my daughter, maybe some yoga and dance classes and will probably give the physiotherapist a try to fix some RSI issues. Everyone is super friendly and helpful and the place is really nice furnished and super clean. Very positive experience all round. Jamie Archer21 August 2024
United by diversity, people and well-being
Our hub where we meet well-being

Welcome to a space where balance is not just a concept but a way of life — a place where we explore harmony together!
Gift Card Kaya Holistic
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